T04 Theme 4: Deep-marine depositional systems

T04-SS01 – Continental slope sedimentary systems: Processes, products and controls

Conveners: Gamberi F. (Istituto di Scienze Marine, Consiglio Nazionale Ricerche, Italy), Kane I. (University of Manchester, UK), McArthur A. (University of Leeds, UK), Patacci M. (University of Leeds, UK)

Continental slopes link the shallow-and deep-water environments of continental margins. Down-and along-slope sedimentary processes contribute to the evolution of continental slopes. Their combination determines the sediment flux and the burial or remobilization of organic matter and pollutants. Seafloor topography affects sediment transport and depositional processes and contributes to sediment instability and widespread submarine landslides. Continental slopes are a mosaic of complex environments, with varied interacting control mechanisms. As such, they are best studied through integrated studies that span spatial and temporal scales: observations of modern systems, subsurface studies and high-resolution outcrop investigations. We invite contributions aimed at unravelling the process-product relationships that control continental slope evolution. In particular, we welcome contributions that differentiate allogenic and autogenic processes, and their relative influences and expressions on deep-marine sedimentary processes and depositional systems. We encourage studies that contribute to applied research with societal impact, such as resource exploitation, submarine hazard understanding and mitigation, climate change, organic matter and pollutant distribution and storage.

T04-SS02 – Submarine canyons and channels: Their role for material transfer and burial from shelf to basin 

Conveners: Gong C. (University of Petroleum, China), Steel R. J. (University of Texas, USA), Olariu C. (University of Texas, USA), Gan Y. P. (University of Texas, USA)

Submarine canyons and channels are fundamental building blocks of deep-water system, act as the major conduits for the delivery of both natural and anthropogenic materials into the deep water, and play a pivotal role in global carbon cycle and ecosystem. They, therefore, have long attracted attention from both academic and industry practitioners, since their discovery in the early 20th century. Despite their significance and widespread occurrence, deep-water canyons and channels remain a key research challenge in deep-water community, because of their three-dimensional complexity and diversity. We hope the proposed session will facilitate open and lively discussion towards an advanced and deeper understanding of all aspects of deep-water channels and canyons in both marine and lacustrine basins. We solicit discussion of deep-water channels and canyons in both marine and lacustrine basins, focusing on: (1) Morphology, architecture, and reservoir characterization of submarine channels and canyons, and a comparison in these aspects between canyons and channels. (2) How do deep-water channels and canyons work, including how they are formed and maintained, their internal flow processes, and how they evolve. (3) How submarine channels and canyons host and influence ecological communities, and their globally important role for the transfer and burial of organic carbon and dumps. (4) New ways to study deep-water channels and canyons, including numerical simulations, physical experiments, and direct field observations of active events on the seafloor.

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